CANCELLED : Please note the Breakfast Run to Franks Motorcycle Cafe on Sunday 3rd December has been cancelled due to the extreme low temperature and risk of ice.


Membership of SAM runs from the 1st of January to 31st December. You will be notified by email and in the SAM magazine when your Membership Fees are due. SAM’s preferred method of renewal is by Standing Order. Existing members who haven’t already set up a standing order can do so by completing the following steps:-


Click on the PDF icon below, to download and print a copy of the Standing Order Form.


Complete the Standing Order Form form and send it to your bank, or if you have internet banking facilities, use the details on the form to set up a regular payment via your bank’s online services.


Membership Fees are:

  • Full/Associate Member: £22
  • Joint Membership: £25 (your joint Member is a pillion passenger)


Prospective new members or lapsed members wishing to re-join should contact the Membership Secretary.


Payment by Standing Order is secure and totally under your control. It helps with the Group’s cash-flow and means that, as volunteers, we don’t have to spend our time chasing members for overdue payment.


However, if for some reason you are unable to pay by Standing Order and require to use a different method, please contact the SAM Treasurer.