CANCELLED : Please note the Breakfast Run to Route 11, Attleborough on Sunday 5th January has been cancelled due to the extreme low temperature and risk of ice.


SAM is not only about improving your riding, it is also has a great social side.

Various events are organised not only by our hard working committee members, but also by the members themselves. There are however a core set of events, that are held regularly (depending on the time of year).

Group Nights

7.30 p.m Third Wednesday of each month

(Second Wednesday in December)

Roadcraft Theory Evenings

Fourth Wednesday of each month

(No Theory evening in December)

Breakfast Runs

First Sunday of each month

(Check SAM Magazine and/or the Calendar for dates)

Thursday Chip Runs

Fourth Thursday of each Spring/Summer month

(Check SAM Magazine and/or the Calendar for dates)

Saturday Jaunts

Third Saturday of each month

(Check SAM Magazine and/or the Calendar for dates)